Sunday, November 18, 2007

Employers Study Applicants' Personalities

This article describes the importance of recognizing personality and attitude in applicants rather than just noting their work experience. Many company's are spending more time interviewing in order to better read applicant traits. Other strategic interview policies include scare tactics, such as Lindblad's DVD, drug tests, and physical examinations. I think that it is great that employers are using these strategies in order to narrow down prospective employees because it is very important for employers to specific in terms of who they hire. The company knows better than the applicant if the applicant's personality will be appropriate for the job. It is imperative that a future employee has the social tact and right attitude in order to collaborate with the current employees. Overall, I think it is great that employers are paying more attention to personality and hope that this helps my future job placement in the sense that wherever I am placed my personality and professional attitudes will mold with existing team members.

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